Level Dry- Weed Whacking
You want a good looking yard and to keep the area around your swing set looking great. You also want to keep your swing set in good shape for years and years. When you bought the swing set, you probably did not realize that there could be a constant tension between these two goals. Keeping the area around your swing set looking neat and clean means trimming any tall grasses near the swing set, a process most of us call weed whacking. However, weed whacking next to a wooden structure, like a swing set support beam, can slowly threaten the structural integrity of the swing set as well as causing unsightly nicks and blemishes on the set.
While these nicks and blemishes are unattractive, the real problem is that they interfere with the moisture barrier on most swing sets, creating a way for moisture to get into the wood. Moisture and wood are a bad combination. When wood is damp, it creates the perfect environment for the various types of fungus that cause wood rot. Once wood begins to rot, it is almost never possible to salvage or save it; it needs to be replaced. In many cases, this means expensive repairs. On a structure like a swing set, the consequences can be more serious; undetected wood rot can lead to dangerous structural instability and cause accidents or injuries to playing children.
Fortunately, at Level Dry, we have a solution to your dilemma. Our Level Dry system is a simple system of 100% recycled rubber blocks that can elevate your swing set off of the ground, allowing you to keep the surrounding the area clean and tidy without impacting the structural integrity or marring the appearance of your swing set. We offer blocks in small and large sizes, so that they can accommodate wood from 2 x 4 in size all the way up to 4 x 6. They can be used on straight-leg or angle-leg swing sets and can also be used on materials other than wood to provide for easier cleaning and maintenance around the structure. They are predrilled, so that they can be staked with rebar, not only protecting your wood but also providing increased stability for your whole playset. Best of all, they are an affordable way to protect your financial investment in a quality swing set for your family. Check out our product page for more information.
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